Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Fool’um Campaign

Libertarians have tried to run as full a slate as possible to show that they have a broad base of support and to enable them to use unexpected opportunities. Sometimes the leading candidate will be indicted or die. We like to believe that in such circumstances the increased visibility along with other factors could propel the candidate into office. While this may happen it is important to recognize that accidental election is not an affirmation of our philosophy. It could be good, but it could also be very bad.

To this minimalist approach we must now add the libertarian campaign that claims a chance to win.

In this last case there are several factors that should be kept in mind. These are: The size of the voting constituency, the name recognition of the candidate with that constituency and the financial resources that the candidate can commit before announcing. A candidate who can win will be running in a race where the opponent is beatable. This is claimed to be the case often. It is true once in a blue moon.

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